Speaking of Olympic swimming, I debated whether or not to share this on my blog, but many encouraged it, so I am. We were watching one of the men's swimming finals, because Eli thinks those are the only ones worth while, and they were showing all the guys coming in. Some of them have full body swim suits and some just have the pants. As they are doing the close ups of the swimmers and showing their names and countries, they come to the first bare chested swimmer. Eli says in a loud voice "wow, he has big nipples!." Then, he looks at me and says "mom, his nipples are bigger than yours!" Thanks, son for noticing.
Only a few more weeks until school starts. Eli will be entering his second year of preschool and I get the honor of going back as an aid in Miss Wendy's class. I am very excited to be getting back to TOK!
Happy Valley City Park, it was about 103 later this day!
YOu have tomatoes already? Mine are just starting to turn red....arg. Congrats on going back to TOK you will have fun with Miss Wendy.
We loved the videos--Katie's favorite is the baseball one! Sounds like you guys are having great fun!!!
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