Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Afternoon at OMSI

As I was laying in bed at 6:45 this morning listening the rain rushing down the gutters, I decided that perhaps today would be a good day for OMSI. This ended up being a good choice as within 30 minutes of the boys being up, they were fighting, as is a common occurrence these days. The gloomy weather is affecting all of us in a cranky way. We decided to invite Blake to come to as Cheryl was recovering from "the flute" as Eli calls it. We had a great time and the boys were very good and had fun. It did get off to a rough start as I took a wrong turn and ended up at the Rose Garden, but I navigated my way to the Loyd Center and called John for directions to OMSI. For those of you who know my past phobia of driving, it is quite amazing to me that I found my way to the Loyd Center at all, and I even did it twice because I tried to find my way to OMSI on my own, and that did not work, so I went back to the Loyd Center. Had this occurred about a year ago, I probably would have been a ball of anxiety! Anyway, it was a fun day and the boys asked if we can go back again soon. Fortunately, that is one place I never get tired of!

The giant sandbox

"Evan and the Chipmunks!" This was probably one of the things they did the longest. They had a blast wearing the little chipmunk coats and searching around for rubber acorns all the while calling each other Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.
Storing up nuts for winterThe water table. The smocks are really quite pointless as we had to change clothes before we got into the car anyway!


Two scary dinosaurs!

I really enjoyed the dinosaur exhibit as dinosaurs were my favorite thing to talk about and read about when I was in first and second grade. They had a really neat collection on display on loan from China. The boys had fun running around looking at all of them as by the time we got to the exhibit, all the bus loads of field trip kids were already gone!
This picture was funny to me because they had a hard time keeping their backs to the T-Rex and kept saying that it was going to get them.

He is quite mean looking though!

1 comment:

Eric and Cheryl said...

Cutest boys ever! Thank you for taking Blake on such a fun outing. He really enjoyed himself and I enjoyed not havening to entertain while feeling yucky.